From The Poetry Garden

This is the first of a series which I have called “From The Poetry Garden”. We have a quiet seat in the garden of The Anchorhold surrounded by a Cedar of Lebanon and the small various Christmas Trees used in the house at Christmas, which we then plant; there are four at the moment which have grown. Just over the wall there are fields that stretch to an old woodland. The seat itself is next to one of a number of stone statues we have made from huge blocks of carboniferous limestone we have dug out of the earth when prearing the ground for vegetables. These smell of the sea (I don’t imagine this they really do) as they are the millions of years old skeletons of life forms from the ancient tropical sea which is now East Galway.

I have decided with a number of others at this time of Covid 19 to contribute in some small way to an output of creative work in the void left by the pandemic. So this is my contribution from the garden seat.

6 thoughts on “From The Poetry Garden

  1. Oh how I hate being critical! I really enjoyed your readings. I was sitting in my recliner, eyes closed and petting my pup. As I noticed a short pause I opened my eyes and the first thing I noticed was what looked like a pair of eyes(eyeglasses) looking at you from the garden perimeter to the right of your figure sitting. I cleared my eyes and realized it was a pair of old tires leaning against a rail. Or was it? Maybe the garden has eyes that keep up with your readings! Just wanted to share my silly thought. As did others, I enjoyed listening to you and hearing your voice deliver a few thoughts from your garden. Billy


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